Saturday, August 2, 2008

To infinity and beyond!

It's been raining lots lately so Mum decided that if you can't beat it, join it! We donned our raincoats and boots and headed outdoors...

I'd like to add to Tom's comments in the last post about 'hand-me-downs'... pink pooh bear boots??? What sort of look is this to go with my extra special ...

... buzz lightyear raincoat??

Looking longingly at the backyard and wondering if Mum will open the back gate so we can frolic on the wet grass ... sadly, it was not to be. Maybe next time?

Meanwhile, Tom sat back and surveyed the antics of his two older siblings practising one of his newly acquired skills - grinning!

... and subtly telling Mum to put the camera away while he's busy playing (note the right hand gesture)

Time for some morning tea! And while Fletch isn't watching...

... I might just help myself to some more raisin toast! You didn't want this piece, did you Fletch?

Back off, Ali. It's mine...

All mine!! He he he.... yum!

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